When launching Photoshop, make sure that you launch the correct Photoshop for the plug-in. The Photoshop CC Plug-in folder is normallyĬ:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC\Plug-Ins Please make sure to check that the installation folder that PortraitPro gives you is correct for the version of Photoshop that you want to use. However, if the correct place is not detected you can manually browse to the Plug-Ins folder of the Photoshop you want to use. PortraitPro will detect what version of Photoshop you have installed, and automatically find the Plug-Ins folder for you. Press the button "Run Plug-in Installer".

On Windows choose the Settings option in the File menu. This is done in the menu of PortraitPro Studio or PortaitPro Studio Max.